An Article Written By You For the World

Want to write something for The Hub? Below is some information on what we're generally looking for, but know that you are welcome to submit anything

Articles that explain ideas related to social justice, minus dogma:

  • Medium-length (1,500 - 6,000 words) essays
  • Jargon-free, non-elitist, accessibly written for a wide audience
  • Asking big questions, proposing solutions, or reviewing other works, papers, books, etc.

Perspectives that share your point of view with us:

  • First-person narratives
  • Opinions about the social justice movement, where we're struggling, what we're doing well, what we're missing
  • Accounts of your experience organizing, educating, or doing other social justice activism

Stories that show us a future worth striving toward:

  • Fictional stories that embody living social justice, and show us what might be
  • Non-fictional stories of people, places, or things that are already embodying living social justice, highlighting what already is

Creative writing that inspires us, motivates us, and moves us.

Book reviews, recommendations, or synopsies that point us toward books you think we should be reading.

Does any of that sound like something you'd like to contribute?

Sign up for our mailing list to get a invite when we're ready to accept submissions for publication (make sure you tick the box)!