Podcast Episode You Think We’ll Love

Want to submit audio for The Hub? Below is some information on what we're generally looking for, but know that you are welcome to submit anything that you think we should listen to.

We welcome audio clips you've created, as well as linking to audio created by others (as long as it's hosted openly, for example on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or another audio sharing site).

Audio with transcripts is preferred for accessibility. When a transcript isn't available, we'll ask that you write one with your submission to be more easily published.

We'd love to listen to:

  • Podcast episodes or clips;
  • Lecture recordings;
  • Interviews; and
  • First-hand narratives or perspectives...

That talk about:

  • Ideas related to living social justice, minus dogma;
  • Activism and advocacy within the social justice movement;
  • Areas where we might be creating barriers that stand in our own way; and/or
  • Highlights of effective work folks are doing that everyone needs to hear about.

Does any of that sound like something you'd like to contribute? Do you have an audio clip in mind you wish every social-justice-minded person would listen to?

Sign up for our mailing list to get a invite when we're ready to accept submissions for publication (make sure you tick the box)!